Quality policy
We are committed to continuously improving the quality of our products and services, so we have implemented and apply a quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001:2015, approved by BCBC. The certificate covers the design, manufacture and sale of machinery and equipment for screening, cleaning, sorting and transporting products.
SCORPION’s Quality Policy is set by the customer and, as the final arbiter, verifies, confirms and sets new directions for the company. Full customer satisfaction with the quality of manufactured products is our primary goal. The owners commit themselves and all employees to meet the requirements and to continuously improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System adopted in the company. SCORPION analyzes external factors affecting the company’s operations, identifies stakeholders and their needs and expectations, and assesses risks associated with the business.
We implement the Quality Policy through:
- Constantly striving to improve our products.
- Contracting only with the best, proven suppliers.
- Development and implementation of training programs,.
- Creating the right working conditions – without a sense of apprehension or fear.
- Breaking down barriers that inhibit pride joy in one’s work
- Ensuring an environment in which the entire workforce recognizes the need to be involved in making the changes taking place in the company a reality
The owners commit themselves and their employees to:
- Meet applicable external stakeholder and customer requirements.
- To comply with the requirements of ISO 9001 and to continuously improve the effectiveness of the quality management system.